Monday, September 30, 2013

Every Once in a While we all Need a Little California Soul

California Soul

I don't tend to rave much about California. It's a nice place to visit, wouldn't wanna live there. You've all heard me say it before.

But hey, what do I know? I moved to Washington, D.C. to find people who were more in touch with reality and could see the forest for the trees. And what did I get? A bunch of over-educated folks who know more than anyone else, but who are so busy with their lives they don't have time to feel or get in touch with their soul.

So, today, I bring you "California Soul" by Marlena Shaw who seems to be having something of a come back on Spotify, which has been playing her back-catalogue on my "Waltz for Koop" station. One forgets just how exceptional this low-profile Blue Note artist's work is (She's still recording, believe it or not.)

And frankly, ever since we lost Fontella Bass last year, I;ve been feeling the need to recognize the other, extraordinary backup singers, low-profile artists who didn't bask in the fame and glory that Diana, Martha, and the many others did. But these singers took a terrific place in the pantheon of new music pros who sampled and rediscovered these artists, like The Cinematic Orchestra who repurposed these voices for the sounds of the early 21st century. From "Rescue Me" to "All That you Give," California Soul takes you back to where we should be, even if we are living in D.C.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Careful the Liars you Listen to

Fun Huffington Post article by Bill Maher on California today. Obviously, I do not agree with his reasoning that just eliminating Republican legislators is good for the country. But he makes interesting points that if you can get past his hysteria.

I think it may be too soon to agree with Maher here and say California is saved thanks to the new governor. I mean just look at their hopeless school system destroyed by selfish, idiots who voted for Prop 13 in 1978. Imagine taking a brilliant, locally-driven educational system, and ripping it out tooth and nail for the system they have now. If the California taxpayer starts actually paying their damned property taxes, maybe even that might change in time.

Maher is a crank, but one that can be quite eye-opening. You know the noise of political campaigns can be so deafening that you just completely miss really obvious things. I am certainly a victim of this myself. In this article, he mentioned something I remembered, but had not really thought through at the time.

Do you remember the following about Mitt Romney's campaign...he said, basically, a vote for Obamawas a vote to turn America into a pathetic backwater like..Greece or Spain or Italy or California. Well...he LIVES in California, not Sal Tlay Ka Siti.

Why kind of liar says things like that? Oh my. Well a guy who is busy covering this up...the truth isn't very pretty...

"On the campaign trail last year, Mitt Romney warned that if we didn't follow his conservative path, "America is going to become like Greece, or... Spain, or Italy, or... California." And that was a big laugh line with Mormons, because Greece, Spain and Italy have some art and poetry and theatre, but nothing like Salt Lake City. Yes, Mitt sure hates California, which is why he moved to San Diego. To the house with the car elevator."

In my effort to find photos for today's blogpost, I came upon this stellar poster from an anti-Brown blogger, that inadvertently positions the dislike for Governor Moonbeam as bad for the state. But with the economy finally getting back to normal in California...what's to dislike, precisely?

Jerry is laughing all the way to the history books.

Fun aside, I'm in the midst of trying to secure him as a speaker for our next big event here at work.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Residences From the Several Millions?  Really?
Hideosity Made Flesh

So for those who missed my original FB post with this image, there's no time like the present to bring back an oldie-but-goodie.

Wow. What a complete mess D.C. housing is. I'm beginning to think I should have called my blog,

"Really?"Finally prices are back down to the several millions? The craziness of the D.C. home buying market begins afresh:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fall has Sprung, The Grass is Ris

"I think I want Rosé, it's fall."

Appreciating why Spring is the Best Time of Year Here

It's funny to me that after all these years living on the east coast—far away from where there is no fall, no summer, no spring—that I'm just now noticing that fall isn't my favorite time of year. Yesterday, I sat out with my friend John last night for an impromptu happy hour at a rather straightforward little half-price bottle night and sipped Rosé. 

Now I have nothing against Rosé like most Americans, but I really was feeling a white wine coming on. This, John set me straight, wasn’t in the cards.
"I think I want Rosé, it's fall, and we'll not be drinking that for much longer" John remonstrated.
I half-heartedly mentioned that I don't think fall is the only time of year to drink Rosé, and besides, it's only September 17th, it's still officially summer, and there was this lovely looking Viognier on the list, and.... 

"Well, we aren't likely to drink Rosé once winter gets here, so let's get a Rosé." I had to remind myself that his clinical propriety was making the wine purchasing decisions a lot easier, so I acquiesced.

About 30 minutes in I realized the back of my thighs and shins were covered in mosquito bites. This probably had nothing to do with the Rosé, but I needed an excuse to throw into the mix.Were this spring, that never would have happened.

USA Mosquito map 04/22/03
A Handy Map Confirming my Suspicions:
DC is a Hotbed of West Nile Mosquitoes That Seek me out.
I was in wool work trousers for god'ssakes. How on earth were they finding my veins through worsted wool? About a decade ago, the West Nile Virus Mosquito came into the swamp-riddled mid-Atlantic and settled in my neighbor with abandon. Every year about this time, I find myself swarmed by these seemingly invisible beasts.

This leads me to the point of today's missive: I usually think of myself as fairly literate in the writing, thinking, and speaking department, but to have gone this long without realizing that autumn might actually be my least favorite season (after summer, which is always disgusting, even in a good year like 2013) here in the District, I begin to wonder.

  • Am I paying attention? 
  • How have I not noticed that the swarms of swamp mosquitoes that seem to only find me and not my friends at happy hours are devouring me? 
  • Why is it that what I remember as long afternoons lolling in the waning sunshine turn into short meet 'n' greets, as the cool evening envelopes us and we have to cut our revelries short, move indoors, and close the windows and doors to keep out the coming chill?
Well, we're here now and I think to myself, did I sufficiently honor spring and all its mosquito-free glory, luxuriating in late afternoon sunsets and warming breezes? Did I realize how lucky I am that god shined down his light on me, just so I could soak up another care-free, post-work afternoon with friends and silky Viogniers (a wine that is not season-specific)?

Well, here's my effort to recapture what I fear I've forgotten, acknowledge how lucky we are here in the District to have such amazing weather now that global warming has made this area so much more hospitable than when I moved here, and to think how after all the lousy news stories of joblessness and misery across the states since 2008, that I haven't experienced this myself or with my immediate circle of friends.

Fall is here, it's still beautiful everyday, and I owe it to the universe to claim each day as a fleeting blessing.

Wish you were here.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Syria? Really? Oy vey

Syrian "Rebel" Fighter Eating Another
Soldier's Innards

Oh dear god, my tirade begins: 

“For fifty years, they are companions to corruption,” he said. “We swear to the Lord of the Throne, that this is our oath: We will take revenge.”
Syrian "Rebel" (who, I suppose, thinks he's in an episode of "Game of Thrones." (Spoiler alert: he proceeded to shoot his prey in the head after making this gory pronouncement.)

Thanks, in part, to the above lunatic "rebel" soldier and this week's video of the opposition rebel eating
yes eatinghis victim's heart and liver hot, right out of the freshly-killed chest cavity of his "enemy," I'm having my doubts the U.S. should give these folks arms and bombs.

The Untold Story? My paranoid waking dream? 

I'm willing to bet the military industrial complex is pressuring Obama, Pelosi, McCain, and Boehner to help them find money outside of the sequester. The sequester pinch is finally beginning to hurt the defense industry, and they want their pound of flesh. 

They need to finance their huge salaries (Fairfax County just outside D.C. is one of the richest in the country, and home to the largest number of defense contractors in the nation) and justify opening government coffers to prop up their expense accounts. 

And even better, no one can articulate what "winning" in Syria would even look like. So it could go on forever. That's a whole lotta money for the Military Industrial Complex to digest.

Fact is, the "takers" wanna take, and are smart enough to know how to get it...through war mongering. If only Romney had figured out who the REAL "takers" were. Look no further than the war industry executives who will officially have THREE wars running simultaneously in the name of making the world safe for...

  • uh...was it democracy
  • freedom of religion
  • human rights?

Which was it again?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thought Policeman Vladimir Putin Uses the Free Press

My Kinda Fascist
Today, my FB friend John pointed out something I found really compelling... it ironic (rolling of the eyes into the back of my head) to anyone else that Vladimir Putin used the "free press" i.e. The New York Times to write an Op-Ed regarding the Syria crisis in tomorrow's print edition knowing that um...there really isn't a free press in Russia? 

And maybe (wishful thinking) will the NYT acknowledge that fact--or take a victory lap for getting that Op-Ed...just a conversation. Dear God, Please don't let this be the beginning of me becoming a conservative.


A Plea for Caution From Russia

What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria

Now hold on right this for reals? I find it completely stunning that Putin thought to use the New York Times to convey his message. Possibly the freest of free press in the United States, the Times became this thought policeman's primary conduit to get his message out?


I don't know who is more cynical, the Russians or the Chinese. 

"Please, send us your Snowdens...we'll give them safe harbor." 

Really people?

(BTW, today's post was posted using Times New Roman font.)