Get the Fuck out of my Cake Shop.
Errrr.... I mean, Come on in and Sit Right Down and Make Yourself at Home.
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Gov. Indiana on Hoosier "Hospitality": Get the Fuck out of my cake Shop. |
(pardon the rant, but...)
What an incredible week! To whom may I send a personal thank you note in Arkansas AND Indiana for making equal rights of gay people the front page news for a WEEK? NEVER in all my days did I think this issue would appear on the front page and the whole country discuss just how (duh, obviously) wrong—and how illegal—it should be to discriminate against gay people.
Which was my favorite part I wonder? Oh there were so many moments to choose from:
- Perhaps it was Gov. Indiana (and I’m paraphrasing, yes) saying, "I would never discriminate. I would never vote to do that." And then when asked why he has never signed an anti-discrimination law in Indiana for GLBT folks, he said, "Well, those are not our values. We don't need those laws imposed upon us. We believe in Hoosier hospitality." I thought, my oh my, this is a legally-educated (McKinney School of Law) man "bald-facedly" lying to the public. And he is so confident those listening—including reporters—just won't understand BASIC discrimination that he's willing to say it with a straight face (no pun intended)?
- Maybe it was the way Walmart (not a friend of gay people in the past) “came out” and TOLD Gov. Arkansas to "just change the law"—period. Just do what we say. We hire 50,000 people in this state—"fix it." It was hilarious and satisfying, and even if the gay folks lose this round—and “christians” win the war this week in Ark or Ind or in 20 other states—this battle is nearing its ridiculous, inevitable conclusion, a date with...wait for it!...equality. Who knew we needed to enshrine that old trope again, but lo, we do.
Shouldn’t The Constitution be big enough already to make equality a "done" or "check it off" issue? **Yawn**
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Gov. Arkansas on the new motto for "The Natural State" "Do not bring us your Unnatural States." |
3. Perhaps it has really been the Court of Public Opinion that made me want to thank my fellow countrymen this week. Public Opinion realized, “Oh! I didn’t realize gay people could be openly discriminated against!” Yup, turns out in (is it now 33 or so?) states, landlords can still kick you out if they find out you are gay and they “don’t like it.” Somehow word got out and that Court of Public Opinion spoke loudly this week.
4. But being realistic, I should thank good old greed too, as business and industry, announced, "We want no part of discrimination. It makes everyone look bad." Best thing was probably from Walmart from a NYT article saying that the last thing Walmart needs is for some (I'm extrapolating here) lame "christian" baker saying, "Look boss, two gay guys walked in and wanted a wedding cake, and I refuse to make it on the ground my religion says not to." Walmart wants less lip from its employees, not more lip from their employees. And ultimately, Walmart is a very deep pocket to sue. So, ah, the “marriage” of GLBT rights and commerce has forced a sitting governor to turn tail and beg for forgiveness!
May not be the best way to equal rights, but I’m guessing it’s a lot less painful than a law suit.
So, thanks, America! The great beast has awoken, and it was surprised by what it saw.
(Stay tuned for my next FB rant: "I'd like to give a special thanks to the police of Ferguson and Staten Island for reminding those of us who thought the race issue was overblow, that it is anything but.
Wow…wanted to be soooooo right there. Found out I was sooooo wrong.)
Good times in the good old U.S. of A.!