A Cookie Fit for a King
My office has a Christmas party that seems to feature a long-running cookie-making contest, and when my colleague Anne decided it was time to enter, that she was ready, I kinda didn’t take her seriously. She’s new here.
You see, this particular work environment is seriously competitive in the cookie baking department, and I figured that those who knew the judges would be able to rig the results. Besides, first place came with a crown that you would have to show off at your cubicle year-round and there was $100 in prize money!
I’m a doubter; Anne wasn’t gonna win. I mean I was all sunshine and light, “Sure you’ll win! Absolutely!” But yeah, I had my doubts…
Last night was the annual holiday party at LEBANESE TAVERNA where we were treated to an open bar of LEBANESE WINES, which were much better than I’d expected. And so, after a couple of glasses, I find Shaiy coming up to me asking where Anne was. I’d vaguely remembered a conversation about carolers and a church group and well, she had to leave early last night from work to get to some event in Pennsylvania. Well, the facts got all conflated and I really couldn’t recall. That’s when they began to announce the winners. Best Name for a Cookie: “Gov. Christopher J. Christie’s Dietary Vitamin Supplements”
And the runner up cookie diorama seemed like a shoo-in. I mean Occupy Northpole, really? In no way an obvious concept, but fully realized as you can see from the image below:
Brianna's Occupy North Pole
But in the end, it was all about taste. And Anne’s Chunky Chocolate Delights have that in spades. While she’s not quite forthcoming enough about her baking secret, the 2011 Cookie Queen was kind enough to share some words after her victory:
“Most people claim to have a sweet tooth. For me however, it seems that I have an entire mouthful of sweet teeth. For as long as I can remember, desserts have been a vital source of my daily diet, so you can imagine my delight when I heard about the annual EDUCATION WEEK Cookie Bake-Off!
“I often pride myself in being a taster rather than an actual baker, but I saw this as a chance to test my own skills. When deciding on the type of cookie to make, I knew it had to have one particular ingredient and lots of it: chocolate! For that reason I came up with the Chunky Chocolate Delight.
The Baker and her $100 Cookie
“Like any other cookie, it calls for butter, sugar, eggs, flour, vanilla extract, and salt. In addition, it’s armed with six different types of chocolate and when mixed together this cookie is bound to thrill your taste buds. The types of chocolate used in this award- & crown-winning cookie must be kept a secret; however, if you wish to try your hand at this recipe the only required ingredient is: chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate.”
Oh these bakers…so secret
- See more at: http://www.alunchboxblog.com/the-100-cookie/?preview=true&preview_id=1131&preview_nonce=058114a67f#sthash.SLzMqzP0.dpuf
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