Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Thank you Laura and team
Super excited to "go live" with a 1st of its kind virtual "Summit" on the nation's new K-12 law, #ESSA. Passed with significant bipartisan support in early 2016, it's hard to imagine the current madness in the confirmation hearings and subsequent frustrations as her nom moved to the Senate floor of the new ED secretary.

Click on the video in the tweet below to see me at work:

But for four hours today, Education Week brought you everything you might ever want to know about ESSA:

  • Live Discussions with 6 exceptional reporters
  • Live webinar with our research center on what state and district folks know—and don't know—about ESSA.
  • Livestream including a reporter wrap of the day
  • Archived resources including webinars, articles, special reports, video introductions to each topic, video explainers, and much more.

Screenshot as we headed just over 4,000 users today
5 minutes before we started

For the K-12 professional impacted by this huge new law, there isn't anything quite like this Summit anywhere I've seen on the internet. And yeah, bragging rights: concept, development, execution, that was all me. But without many key colleagues, it'd have been impossible

  • A truly engaged and enthusiastic Assistant Managing Editor
  • An art department who worked way ahead to support a project that wasn't on the books for FY17
  • A publisher and boss who were willing to let me build it to see if they'd come
  • A staff of researchers, bloggers, and editors who supported our lead reporters at a moment's notice when I asked this week for their participation
  • A top notch production team who brought the notion of using a platform intended for job fairs to life with editorial content, and lastly,
  • 4,267 registered used, and 1,300+ live participants in the 90 minutes of discussions that kicked off the day. 

Now it's onto the live webinar, another hour of interaction and ideas exchange with our readers, and then the final reporter wrap.

Preparing the Reporters for #ESSASummit17


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