Friday, September 27, 2013

Careful the Liars you Listen to

Fun Huffington Post article by Bill Maher on California today. Obviously, I do not agree with his reasoning that just eliminating Republican legislators is good for the country. But he makes interesting points that if you can get past his hysteria.

I think it may be too soon to agree with Maher here and say California is saved thanks to the new governor. I mean just look at their hopeless school system destroyed by selfish, idiots who voted for Prop 13 in 1978. Imagine taking a brilliant, locally-driven educational system, and ripping it out tooth and nail for the system they have now. If the California taxpayer starts actually paying their damned property taxes, maybe even that might change in time.

Maher is a crank, but one that can be quite eye-opening. You know the noise of political campaigns can be so deafening that you just completely miss really obvious things. I am certainly a victim of this myself. In this article, he mentioned something I remembered, but had not really thought through at the time.

Do you remember the following about Mitt Romney's campaign...he said, basically, a vote for Obamawas a vote to turn America into a pathetic backwater like..Greece or Spain or Italy or California. Well...he LIVES in California, not Sal Tlay Ka Siti.

Why kind of liar says things like that? Oh my. Well a guy who is busy covering this up...the truth isn't very pretty...

"On the campaign trail last year, Mitt Romney warned that if we didn't follow his conservative path, "America is going to become like Greece, or... Spain, or Italy, or... California." And that was a big laugh line with Mormons, because Greece, Spain and Italy have some art and poetry and theatre, but nothing like Salt Lake City. Yes, Mitt sure hates California, which is why he moved to San Diego. To the house with the car elevator."

In my effort to find photos for today's blogpost, I came upon this stellar poster from an anti-Brown blogger, that inadvertently positions the dislike for Governor Moonbeam as bad for the state. But with the economy finally getting back to normal in California...what's to dislike, precisely?

Jerry is laughing all the way to the history books.

Fun aside, I'm in the midst of trying to secure him as a speaker for our next big event here at work.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure that there were probably "good" Nazis too. I mean, the law of averages, right? It's such a shame that the moderates in the Nazi party got overshadowed by, you know, all that unpleasantness.


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