My Kinda Fascist | it ironic (rolling of the eyes into the back of my head) to anyone else that Vladimir Putin used the "free press" i.e. The New York Times to write an Op-Ed regarding the Syria crisis in tomorrow's print edition knowing that um...there really isn't a free press in Russia?
And maybe (wishful thinking) will the NYT acknowledge that fact--or take a victory lap for getting that Op-Ed...just a conversation. Dear God, Please don't let this be the beginning of me becoming a conservative.
A Plea for Caution From Russia
What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria
Published: September 11, 2013
Now hold on right this for reals? I find it completely stunning that Putin thought to use the New York Times to convey his message. Possibly the freest of free press in the United States, the Times became this thought policeman's primary conduit to get his message out?
I don't know who is more cynical, the Russians or the Chinese.
"Please, send us your Snowdens...we'll give them safe harbor."
Really people?
(BTW, today's post was posted using Times New Roman font.)
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